Don't just believe what we have to say, Listen to what our team members have to say.
I run a successful real estate team and I have been part of a team my entire real estate career. Being on a team has huge advantages; you learn from experienced agents, you get leads, you have someone to go to for advice, get paid and you won’t have to pay for everything yourself!

Jonathan Lee
Senior Team Leader - Team Elite, Urban Prestige Properties Sdn Bhd
"I have been with Upp more than 7 years and I have had the opportunity to work extensively in many diverse fields including sub sales, projects, open house and many other events. The combination of working with supportive teams from different backgrounds and getting to constantly experience new things has made our Office my Second Home"

Melvin Tan
Senior Team Leader - Commercial Department, Urban Prestige Properties Sdn Bhd
Becoming a successful real estate agent is not easy, because it takes time to sell enough houses to make a good living. The great thing about being a real estate agent is you can make a lot of money if you work hard, have a plan and stick to it. You don’t have to do everything yourself as an agent. Joining a successful real estate team is a great way to jump-start your career and make more money.

Rayden Tan
Junior Team Leader, Urban Prestige Properties Sdn Bhd